CounterIntel Visual Merchandising

Some store owners are lucky. Lucky in the sense that their in-store team is so proud of the brand they represent that they passionately get involved in their work to ensure that they’re literally living the brand at work.

They take the concept of being ‘brand ambassadors’ to the next level. Nike, Lush, Apple and Lego are some examples that aptly represent that zeal within their employees and that gets reflected when they take the floors at their respective stores.

It not only brings out the good in the brand and the people who represent it but also reflects well on the customers, hence positive sales figures.

Where visual merchandising is there to make sure that the store represents what its meant to, keeping the in-store team involved is the other ingredient needed to find the perfect blend and fusion to achieve equilibrium that leads to a healthy bottom line thanks to the increased footfall due to this combination.

Hence it’s imperative for store owners to not only give heed to this ideology of keeping their staff happy but also pragmatically implement it in a realistic way.

There’s one thing common in the brands’ success we’ve mentioned earlier in this post. These manufacturers have not only been successful in creating products that we love but actually they also focused on those people who would bring these products to the public in retail environment., essentially their true brand ambassadors.

The take away lesson for the retailers and visual merchandisers in this example is by focusing on their efforts to make the store look the par they also need to complement it by placing similar level of focus on engaging those responsible for bringing the brand experience to life.

Below are some tips for the visual merchandisers and store owners to achieve what we’ve emphasized upon in this post

  • Live and breathe brand culture
  • Define roles, responsibilities and expectations
  • Deliver engaging, practical, evidence-based learning
  • Create clear in-store policies to reduce complexity
  • Understand why getting it right matters

Keep these tips in mind when devising your store strategy and implement them accordingly and you have the magic formula of success.

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