How to Increase Sales with Merchandising

Visual merchandising is one of the most important factors that can help a business generate desirable revenue. Those who fail to understand its effectiveness in bringing in more sales, in fact do end up having fewer sales.

Visual merchandising helps you develop a unique business identity and brand, differentiating yourself from your competition.

One must answer some fundamental questions before devising an effective visual merchandising strategy for their business. One of the topmost priorities to consider is to determine right at the beginning “Who is my target customer?”

The other important thing retailers must ask themselves is “What is my target customer looking for?”

By defining your target customer and identifying their likes, you can tailor your merchandising techniques to fit their tastes.

When actually putting visual merchandising in to execution, there are plenty of ways you can customized it according to your stores liking. One of the most important things is what color, or combination of colors, your theme would be made of.

The design element is of course the basic foundation upon which your entire visual merchandising strategy stands. It really depends what kind of ambience you want to create, and that would drive the selection of theme you’d go for.

When creating displays, try and order them in ‘three’. Many visual merchandising experts follow and preach the “Rule of Three” because not only does it catch the customer’s attention, it helps cement the product display in the customer’s mind.

For example, having three products side by side rather than just one. If you truly want to capture the attention of price-conscious customers, arrange items in order from good, better, and best value to the customer. This allows them to spot the items that have the best value to them quickly and thus make a quick purchase.

The rule of three really works because it creates asymmetry in the display. When people look at symmetrical and balanced objects, their gaze moves away quickly, whereas asymmetrical or unbalanced displays are more interesting to the eye.

So, try keeping this rule in your mind when you’re next adorning your store and we’re sure you’ll reap the benefits.

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